Power of Attorney

An enduring power of attorney (EPA) is a legal document which sets out who can take care of your personal or financial matters if you can't - this person is known as your attorney.
There are two types of enduring power of attorneys (EPAs) (and two attorneys) - one for your property, and one for your personal care and welfare. Both are essential.
You choose when your enduring power of attorney comes into effect, any special terms and conditions, and who your attorney must report to and consult with.
Your property attorney makes decisions about your money and property. They have a number of responsibilities by law, including arranging benefits, paying bills, buying and selling assets, and managing bank accounts.
Your personal care and welfare attorney is an individual, such as your spouse or partner, who can make decisions about your health or personal matters, if you no longer can.
We are also able to provide independent legal advice.
For more information regarding enduring power of attorney please contact us.
There are two types of enduring power of attorneys (EPAs) (and two attorneys) - one for your property, and one for your personal care and welfare. Both are essential.
You choose when your enduring power of attorney comes into effect, any special terms and conditions, and who your attorney must report to and consult with.
Your property attorney makes decisions about your money and property. They have a number of responsibilities by law, including arranging benefits, paying bills, buying and selling assets, and managing bank accounts.
Your personal care and welfare attorney is an individual, such as your spouse or partner, who can make decisions about your health or personal matters, if you no longer can.
We are also able to provide independent legal advice.
For more information regarding enduring power of attorney please contact us.